In addition to the properties above, we have sales partners in almost every single wine producing country on earth, and we have the ability to help you purchase wineries worldwide. In cooperation with our partners around the globe we can help you our with $500,000,000 in wineries and vineyards worldwide.

Additional financial and specific information is available upon the execution of a Non-Disclosure Agreement, and provision of verifiable Proof/Source of Funds letter directly from a recognized financial institution. All wineries require these documents.

For more information on Private & Discreet Wineries call Rick Walden, 1-877-646-8800

Discreet/Private Vineyards and Wineries for Sale

Many buyers want the opportunity to take over a well-regarded, smoothly running vineyard or winery. Vineyard and winery owners, on the other hand, worry that listing their established property will confuse customers and interrupt sales. For vineyard and winery owners who aren’t yet ready to publicize that they’re selling, properties can be listed discreetly without the name of the establishment. A select list of interested buyers will then have the opportunity to consider the property without interrupting business as usual. 

High-end property owners are increasingly using private real estate listings to sell their properties quickly and discreetly. Putting your property on the market means opening yourself up to visits from dozens of real estate agents and their clients. For currently-operating vineyards and wineries, this prospect is unacceptable. When a vineyard or winery is listed privately with us, the property is announced for sale to a small, specially-selected group of real estate agents. This way, the property is never posted to the multiple listing service or MLS. This can also be an advantage for sellers who want to feel out the market and don’t want to risk putting their vineyard or winery on the MLS at too high of a price. 

Since private listings rely on the sellers’ real estate agent spreading the word about the property to the right people, it is essential to pick a real estate agent with experience. For sellers, it is beneficial to have a real estate agent who knows potentially interested clients, as clients won’t be able to find privately-listed properties on their own. If you’re looking to avoid the hassle of an open house or simply want privacy during the sale, consider the advantages to discreetly listing your vineyard or winery with an experienced real estate agent.

Many buyers – especially those who are new to the world of wine – are, naturally, interested in stepping into an already-running vineyard or winery. This can be particularly useful for vineyard buyers, as it can take several years for new grape vines to produce usable fruit. These interested buyers can contact us for information about the private or discreetly listed vineyards and wineries. As these currently-operating vineyards and wineries aren’t listed with identifying information in order to preserve the owners’ privacy, buyers need a knowledgeable guide to the properties currently on the market. 

Buyers who are interested in vineyards and wineries that aren’t publicly listed should seek out an experienced real estate agent. Private real estate listings rely on word-of-mouth, and clients are more likely to hear about discreetly-listed vineyards and wineries if their agent is familiar with the local market and real estate agents. If you’re considering opening a vineyard or winery but worried about the difficulties getting started, contact our agents to talk about established vineyards and wineries for sale.